You can arrange a viewing by telephone, email or in person. We will try to accommodate your preferred date and time wherever possible. We have some early evening appointments available for those who need to view after work and we also conduct viewings on Saturdays between 9am - 4pm. Please note that where a property is occupied, we need to give tenants 24 hours’ notice of a viewing. If you want to arrange a number of viewings on the same day because you are travelling some distance, please contact us in advance so we can ensure that all the properties you want to see will be available for you to view.
One of our team will always accompany you on viewings. The value of fully understanding your requirements is essential to ensuring we can help you find your ideal home. Meeting you at the property also means that we can answer any specific questions you may have. At the viewing we will provide you with a detailed tenant information sheet and our list of fees and we will also let you know whether we are fully managing the property or marketing it on behalf of a landlord who will deal with you direct.