Maintenance service
If you choose our fully managed service we will deal with any routine minor maintenance issues that may arise in your property. As a landlord you are responsible for:
As a landlord you are responsible for:
- keeping the structure and the exterior of the premises in good order
- keeping appliances for supply of gas, electricity and water in good repair
- keeping the sanitary appliances in repair
And carry out all repairs within a reasonable amount of time.
We are happy to use your preferred contractors or to instruct reliable and cost effective local contractors on your behalf.
It is usual for us to discuss any required maintenance with you prior to instructing a contractor, but you may decide to give us authorisation for us to complete minor work without your prior consent up to an agreed amount. We usually take £150 float from your first rent invoice to cover any minor repairs, which ensures our contractors can be paid promptly. Invoices for larger amounts will need to be paid by you directly to the contractor.
Should your property require structural work or renovation then this would fall outside the remit of routine maintenance included in our fully managed service. We would be happy to help you arrange these works for an additional fee. Please see our landlord fees for details.